+? +? +? … 130000 Cada _Veri Angelo Orazio Pregoni: le cadeau

 Cada_veri, by Angelo Orazio Pregoni, was auctioned on 22 November 2022, at the Lucas Casa d'Aste in Milan, at 130000, an important figure. Many will stop at that. Let’s see why we reached this goal, retracing the "love" between the artist, his work and the truth.

     Edited by Maria Marchese

On 29 November 2022, at Luca's Casa D'aste, in the city of Milan, the work Cada_Veri, by Angelo Orazio Pregoni was auctioned: in forty seconds, the bids came one after the other, while a feverish air inebriated the room, culminating in the last 'judgement', which awarded the canvas the sum of 130000 euro.

"Le cadeau accepté, les jeux sont faits".

This is an iconic phrase that puts an end to the roulette bets; one then entrusts oneself to Lady Luck and waits.

In that case, 'le jeux son fait' constitutes the end of the bets and the beginning of the wait, while 'le cadeau' is the votive pledge.

On 26 April 2022, Angelo Orazio Pregoni, on the other hand, releases, on an important mantle, soaked in "alchemic" moods, the affirmation of a bitter reality, a still image as well as a direct artistic synopsis of the atrocity perpetrated during the Bucha massacre: when many denied the event, he enlivened, then, by involving three actors, the space of that ordeal, on the Biki footbridge, near Porta Genova. Everyday life and its protagonists, there, followed the thread of their own thoughts.

Thus, the Genoese artist tries to break through that dull, blind film, by staging an improvised, sudden and spontaneous act. The rain contributes to the heavy realisation of that thought and, equally, is imaginative weeping and emotional and socio-cultural catharsis.

Aware, present and capable, Pregoni catalyses the firm tension of his own motivations, thus initiating a gestural ritual, where the hand is the apex, in which ancient cognitive and speculative research is concentrated. With his paintbrushes, he devoutly steals conturbations of 'liquiform' tonal mixtures and infuses, in the consistency of the coloured bristles, strength and levity to celebrate that aesthetic dignity.

In silence, Pregoni has appeared and, again, in silence he retreats.

Then, on 21 November 2022, a 6-metre-long cloth deploys on the Alexander Langer bridge, which figures, with its own importance, on the waters of the Darsena; it rejoins a raft, which floats, cuddled by the wave movements, on which the three "Cada_Veri" lie, lifeless: the Milanese space, then, changes into a "valley of tears".

The artist's 'word', in this sense, becomes a universally usable message.

It has, indeed, the value of a work of art: no detail is, in fact, left to chance.  

Angelo Pregoni speaks calmly... the action, however, is the result of thoughtful and profound personal maturation.

An impeccable and lively author, a poet who 'vomits', in the interstices of verse, the usual human absurdity, without any filter whatsoever, a goldsmith of perfumery, who chisels every odorous figure, marrying hypothetical imbalances, which seduce the dermis and the mind, an orator with a superfine intellect and unquestionable humanity, a living social presence, he has made elite discretion an admirable material and testimony, embodying, today, the appearance of an unprecedented figure and, at the same time, rooted in the footsteps of those who have left a positive and tangible mark on today's historical memory.

Here, then, is the meaning of that 'cadeau'... a gift to artistically celebrate the honour of the human being.

And that is why that gift was acquired for the sum of 130000 euro.

But Angelo Orazio Pregoni has 'always' started ...
